Monday, September 19, 2011

Green Smoothie with Broccoli

Broccoli has been described as one of natures most perfect foods. It also contains the anti-cancer compound Sulforaphane, which is in numerous clinical trials[13] including a phase II trial for prostate cancer.[14], which is under study in a variety of clinical trials. Wikipedia reports, "Sulforaphane is in numerous clinical trials[13] including a phase II trial for prostate cancer.[14]. To see those reports, see the the notes under "Sulforaphane."

I liked the broccoli green smoothie, but you have to be in the right mindset for it. It has an earthy flavor. I was able to drink 4 cups of it without getting tired of it, which has not been true of a few of my experiments.


  1. Wow, nice combo. I'm really not a fan of broccoli and have a difficult time eating it. I think I'll try out this smoothie combo. The spinach and watermelon one you showed us was really good. Thanks for the video!

  2. Thanks, Resa. I did have to add a little less broccoli than I normally do leafy greens, but the broccoli is just dense it was probably about the same. Not my favorite for taste, but it was eatable. Good for when I'm concerned about getting a good variety of greens.

  3. Ok, so I just made this broccoli smoothie and it was fantastic! I was expecting to taste some broccoli, but I honestly didn't taste it at all. I used about one cup of fresh organic broccoli and all the other ingredients that you listed. Mine turned out a really nice pinkish-red color. It was by far the best fruit/vegetable smoothies I've ever had! Thanks so much for the vid!

  4. Ken, I have been making broccoli fruit smoothies for quite a while and enjoy them thoroughly. Instead of hitting the smoothie button, I hit the whole fruit button and that cycle takes care of the frozen bananas and strawberries I use. Actually, instead of water, I put in two or three frozen bananas. Either way, I find broccoli smoothies delicious. Carey

  5. Thanks, Carey. That's a good tip.
